
What does St. Panteleimon Occupational Medicine Service?

St. Panteleimon Occupational Medicine Service in Sofia offers comprehensive expert solutions in the field of occupational health and safety. Employers can fully rely on the Occupational Medicine Service to meet the legal requirements regarding the provision of a healthy and safe working environment under Bulgarian legislation. Our services:

  • Carry out the functions of an occupational safety and health official/authority inaccordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and Article 5 of Regulation No. 3 of 27 July 1998, as follows: development of company policy and documents on occupational safety and health; instruction of responsible persons; identification of occupational risks; advising employers on the implementation of the legal requirements for ensuring safe and healthy working conditions; assistance in the implementation of social dialogue; preparation of an annual analysis of the state of health and safety in the workplace.
  • Development and implementation of training programmes for members of the committees and groups on working conditions. St. Panteleimon Occupational
    Medicine Service organizes and conducts initial and annual training for the members of the CoC/HSC in the organizations in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 4 of 3.11.1998;
  • Consultations in connection with periodic medical examinations of employees and maintenance of health records by the occupational medicine service;
  • Expert assessment of the risks of the working environment for the health and safety of employees;
  • Informing and advising employers on changes to the regulatory framework in the field;
  • Development and implementation of training programmes in accordance with Regulation RD – 07-2/16.12.2009 of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.
  • Other activities.

We offer preferential conditions for subscription fee from St. Panteleimon Occupational Medicine Service.

Why choose St. Panteleimon Occupational Medicine Service?

St. Panteleimon Occupational Medicine Service offers employers its long experience and expertise in occupational medicine and occupational health and safety management. For more than two decades, our qualified experts have been helping organisations to plan and improve overall management in this area, applying a professional and preventive approach. The long-term subscription contract with St. Panteleimon Occupational Medicine Service provides employers with:

  • A flexible approach and expert solutions to meet regulatory obligations in the field of OHS;
  • Individual service depending on the specifics of the activity;
  • Comprehensive service and assistance to employers in ensuring a healthy and safe working environment in accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Ordinance No. 3/2008 on the conditions and procedure for the implementation of the activities of occupational health services;
  • Health monitoring and consultation in connection with initial and periodic medical examinations of employees, including the organisation of medical examinations, analysis and assessment of the health status of employees in relation to working conditions, maintenance of health records, informing and consulting employees in relation to health and safety;
  • The Occupational Medicine Service prepares and updates risk assessments of workplaces, formulating measures to prevent, reduce or eliminate risks; prioritises measures in the light of the risks identified and evaluates the effectiveness of the measures implemented.

If you are looking for an established occupational health service in Sofia with experience and experts at the best prices, we will be happy to offer you really special conditions. Our qualified and expert team will always be on hand to provide the most accurate solutions for any occupational health and safety case. 

Advises and assists employers in the development of corrective measures in connection with the implementation of prescriptions from inspections of control bodies /Labour Inspectorate /

Preparation and updating of risk assessment of workplaces

  • Prepare and/or update the risk assessment for the health and safety of workers
  • In conjunction with employer representatives and in accordance with the risk assessment, by:

– proposing measures to prevent, eliminate or reduce the identified risk
– proposing a prioritisation of the proposed measures, taking into account the identified risk, the causes of the identified hazards and their characteristics, including the feasibility of the measures and investment opportunities
– assess the effectiveness of the measures taken by the employer

Develops and participates in the implementation of KUT/GUT training programs

In accordance with Ordinance No. 4/1998 on the training of the representatives in the committees and groups on working conditions in enterprises:
Organizes and carries out initial and periodic (annual) training of the members of the CoC/GCT, as well as advises and assists the CoC/GCT in carrying out their activities, in accordance with Article 29 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA).

Analysis and assessment of the health status of employees

  • Advises and assists the employer in organising preliminary and periodic medical examinations and tests to assess the suitability of workers to perform certain types of work
  • Draws up a conclusion on the suitability of the worker to perform a particular type of work
  • Analyses the health status of workers and its relationship to working conditions on the basis of: the results of preliminary and periodic medical examinations and examinations, information on temporary incapacity for work, information on permanent incapacity for work, information on registered occupational diseases, information on occupational accidents as reported by the
    employer and/or the worker
  • Keep employee health records in a standard format
  • Provides information to employees on work-related health risks and on the results of medical examinations and tests carried out
  • Gives individual advice to workers on health and safety at work

Informs employers about changes in the regulatory framework and assists in aligning their OHS documentation with the changed requirements

Develops and participates in the implementation of training programs on the rules for ensuring health and safety at work and compliance with the requirements for safe working practices, in accordance with the regulation RD - 07-2/16.12.2009 of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

  • to the officials who supervise and manage work processes;
  • the officials referred to in Article 24 of the OSH Act;
  • the persons designated by the employer to conduct the safety and health at work

Form of the course: remote form.


Performs the functions of an occupational safety and health authority/officer

Carrying out activities to organise company policy and ensure occupational health and safety, in accordance with Art. 24 par.
1 and par. 3 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Article 5 of Regulation No. 3 on the functions and tasks of
officials and specialised services in enterprises for organising the implementation of activities related to the protection and prevention of occupational risks, including:

  • Organizing and participating in the development of the company regulations on occupational safety and health – regulation of all types of orders under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, periodicity of measurement of FRS, electrical safety measures, etc.
  • Conducting initial, on-the-job, periodic and extraordinary briefing of company employees in the territory of the city. Sofia
  • Advising and assisting the employer on the implementation of the requirements for ensuring safe and healthy working conditions in the organization and implementation of work activities – developing instructions on occupational safety and health related to the specific activities of the company
  • Organising and participating in work on the identification and assessment of occupational risks
  • Organising and participating in the investigation of the causes of work-related injuries
  • Assisting the company coordinator in complying with health and safety standards and requirements
  • Supporting and participating in the social dialogue between the partners – the activities of the GUT/CUT
  • Preparation of an analysis of the activities and status of occupational safety and health for each calendar year and its discussion in the GST/CST


DEVELOPS PROGRAMS, LECTURES AND PRESENTATIONS to promote the health of workers at work, eliminate lifestyle risk factors, protect and enhance performance and overcome work stress.


DEVELOPS RULES, NORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS TO ENSURE HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK and gives advice to workers on their proper application.


DEVELOP A PHYSIOLOGICAL WORK AND REST REGIME in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No 15 of 1999.

FACILITIES FOR ORGANIZING AND PERFORMING SPECIALIZED MEASUREMENTS BY AN ACCREDITED LABORATORY: specifies the type of specialized measurements of physical factors of the working environment (microclimate, noise, lighting, vibrations), of chemical agents in the working environment and of control measurements for assessing the effectiveness of electrical safety measures (earthing, earthing, lightning protection).


ASSIST IN PERFORMING THE REQUIRED PERIODIC MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS of employees and workers. The examinations are carried out by St. Panteleimon Medical Center, and on the basis of a contract concluded between the companies, the price for clients of St. Panteleimon Medical Center Ltd. is preferential.